Save Money and Still Eat Organic

The economy is in a downturn and many of you are looking for ways that you can squeeze 4 quarters from every dollar that comes through our hands. You want to eat only organic fruits and vegetables, but eating all organic is too expensive for you at this time.

How can you eat organic when things are so tight and food is pricey? Here are some ways that you can save money and still eat organic.

Buy Organic When Necessary

Organic Product

If you think that purchasing all of your foods organic is a must, then think again. Buying organic is great, but if you are on a budget, eating all organic can be quite expensive. Is all organic necessary? No it is not!

There are 12 fruits and vegetables on the dirty dozens list. If you purchase those fruits and vegetables that are listed on the dirty dozens list, then you should make sure they are organic. You can then purchase non-organic fruits and vegetables that are not on the dirty dozens list. This is a good way to save money.

Shop at Farmers Markets Read the rest of this entry »

Organic Food Or Genetically Engineered Food Anyone?

Organic food is increasingly in demand as discriminate consumers become more aware of just how much common food items are the product of genetic engineering. Did you know that over half of processed foods that the average shopper drops in a grocery cart has some engineered ingredients in the products such as corn that contains a small amount of pesticide in every cell? Or did you know that over 80% of all soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically engineered to withstand heavy chemical exposure from agricultural weedkiller without dying itself? Even foods that claim to be “organic” are not always totally organic in nature. Usually the product may only have a portion of organic ingredients. Only food items that are labeled “certified organic” are truly organic. Organic Foods

Just about everywhere you turn, there are genetically modified foods in favorite drinks, fast foods, packaged frozen foods and even in some of the “organic” versions of the same. So what are health conscious consumers who want to avoid genetically engineered foods as much as possible to do? Other than grow your own organic food supply in your back yard, here are a few suggestions that will help you find safe replacements to the commonly produced food supply.

Choose Certified Organic Foods Read the rest of this entry »